Senior Pastor
Life was going great for the most part in 2001; I was blessed to win the IPRA World Championship in calf roping, but in doing so the Lord put a cowboy evangelist in my path. I am so glad He did! I realized as he shared the word of God with me on a regular basis it didn’t matter how successful I was as a calf roper or in my trucking business, I was lost, undone, and hell-bound without Jesus!! One Tuesday morning in an ole Mack truck led by the Holy Spirit I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Since then led by the same Holy Spirit I have been blessed to be the founder of Believer Arena Ministry and called to be the pastor at Exciting Southeast Baptist Church. Serving the Lord in this capacity has been very exciting and very challenging but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!!
I couldn’t do the ministry without my helpmate and wife, Donna Pierce! Our two boys and their wives Trey and Reagan, Trenton and Marisa, and our daughter Ashlee who are also willing to help wherever needed.

Children’s Coordinator
Don Cochran
Born and raised in Tahlequah Oklahoma, attended Tahlequah High School, and Northeastern State University. I married Laura Cochran and have been married 31 wonderful years, raised two great sons, have two wonderful granddaughters, and two step-grandsons. High school teacher and coach by profession along with being involved in youth and children’s ministry since the age of 21 from directing small church camp, to being curriculum director, and youth minister.